Welcome to Blueprint Earth - Hang on, it's a Wild Ride

As Blueprint Earth has grown from a mere notion in the back of our minds to a functional scientific research nonprofit, everyone involved has experienced an amazing ride. In just a few short months, we went from vision to execution. The speed with which we obtained our legal incorporation, federal 501(c)(3) status, and state tax exemption is nearly unprecedented.

After I submitted the application for the 501(c)(3) designation, it took the IRS a mere 3 weeks to approve us. I can speak for most of the team when I say that we all nearly had whiplash from operating at light speed for the last year. It's been punctuated with whirlwinds of activity, followed by periods of perfect stillness...almost like the calm after the storm. 

At any rate, I wanted to give our supporters a glimpse into the day-to-day work that goes into pulling a unique nonprofit research organization out of thin air. The majority of the blogging will be done by me, with some semi-regular guest posts when I can wrangle (ok, beg, cajole, or coerce) some of the other Blueprint Earth team members into writing. 

The goal is to remove some of the layers of mystery from how we actually accomplish things around here, and to inspire some of you to get involved either with Blueprint Earth or with other nonprofits that spark your interest. We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we are!
