At Blueprint Earth, we must be explorers, adventurers, and most critically, builders. We must test our blueprint for it to be successful, so we will attempt to replicate our microenvironment in a controlled setting. This will take thoughtful design, innovation, and extensive trial. Although this is an intensive effort, we know that the potential applications of our work are significant. 

The natural resources industry has long held a reputation for damaging the natural world. At Blueprint Earth, we recognize the continued need for natural resources, and our method of cataloging and creating blueprints of an environment can be applied before a natural resources project begins. This will pave the way for a more accurate and successful remediation of the environment upon the project's completion, meeting companies' growing needs for corporate social responsibility.

Blueprint Earth's methods will also aid humanitarian efforts to rehabilitate areas subject to damage. We can catalog and blueprint an undamaged area, providing the blueprint that can be applied to rehabilitate an area that has been damaged due to events such as natural disasters.

It is only through the efforts of interested people like you that we can accomplish these goals. You can help us raise awareness, lend us your expertise, or donate directly to our work. Blueprint Earth's mission is bigger than any one person, just as our planet is.